If you’ve got an HTC One M9 question not answered by our stunningly dense 4000-word review and accompanying 11-minute review video, your needs might be getting a little intense. I mean, c’mon. Right?
But I know how it is. Sometimes, you don’t have time for the full review treatment. Sometimes, you’re just interested in seeing what’s changed over the past twelve months. Or you already own last year’s HTC flagship and you want to see if this year’s is worth your trouble. Or you just want to find out how different two products that look nigh-on identical could possibly be.
For that, friends, we have comparison videos.
“But wait!” you wail, verging on tears, “didn’t you already do one of those in Barcelona? Didn’t you even call it ‘HTC One M9 vs HTC One M8?’ What in blazes is going on here?!”
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